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(Select A Song)

Commonly Used As A: Service Type

African Medley

Commonly Used As: A Selection

Almost Let Go

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Anointing (Fall On Me)

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Better Days

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Come By Here

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Deliver Me (Exodus)

Commonly Used As A: Not Determined Yet

Down Through the Years

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Everlasting God

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Fill My Cup

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Fix It Jesus

Commonly Used As A: Selection


Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

God Is A Good God (Worthy to Be Praised)

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Hallelujah I Found Him

Commonly Used As A: Selection

He Could Have Let Me Drown

Commonly Used As A: Selection

He’s a Mighty God

Commonly Used As A: Selection

I Don't Know What You Came to Do

Commonly Used As A: Selection

I Give My All

Commonly Used As A: Selection

I Kept On Walking

Commonly Used As A: Selection

I Woke Up This Morning

Commonly Used As A: Selection

I'll Fly Away

Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

In The Beauty of Holiness

Commonly Used As A: Processional

It's Not By Might *

Commonly Used As A: Offering/Devotional

It's Working

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Jesus Is Real

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Just A Closer Walk with Thee

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Let Me Drown

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Lord Keep Me Day By Day

Commonly Used As A: Processional

Made a Way

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Me on Your Mind

Commonly Used As A: Processional

Melodies From Heaven

Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

No Not One *

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Offering in my Hand

Commonly Used As A: Offering/Devotional

Our God is Greater + Lord You're Mighty *

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Right Now Lord

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Say Yes

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Send Me I’ll Go (Full)

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Sow Good Seeds

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Still Here

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Thank You Lord

Commonly Used As A: Devotional / Prayer Song

The Blessings of Abraham

Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

The Lord Is Blessing Me

Commonly Used As A: Offering/Devotional

Try The Real Thing

Commonly Used As A: Selection

We Come to Worship Him

Commonly Used As A: Processional

Who Would Imagine ( A King )

Commonly Used As A: Selection


Commonly Used As A: Selection

You Can't Hurry God

Commonly Used As A: Selection

You Keep On Blessing Me

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Your Spirit

Commonly Used As A: Selection

A Testimony

Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

Alabaster Box

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Already Here

Commonly Used As A: Selection


Commonly Used As A: Selection

Chasing After You

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Couldn't Keep it to Myself

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Down In My Soul

Commonly Used As A Selection


Commonly Used As A: Selection

Every Praise

Commonly Used As A: Processional

Finish Strong (Strong Finish)

Commonly Used As A: Selection

For your Glory

Commonly Used As A: Selection

God I Look To You

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Great Is Your Mercy

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Have I Mentioned

Commonly Used As A: Selection

He's Able

Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

I Almost Let Go

Commonly Used As A: Selection

I Feel Your Spirit

Commonly Used As A : Selection

I Give Myself Away

Commonly Used As A: Selection

I Love Jesus

Commonly Used As A: Offering/Devotional

I'll Be Alright

Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

I'll Say Yes To My Lord

Commonly Used As A: Offering/Devotional

Is God Satisfied

Commonly Used As A: Selection

It's So Amazing

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Jesus (What a Wonderful Child)

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Jesus Will

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Let It Rise

Commonly Used As A: Selection


Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

Lord I Love You

Commonly Used As A: Offering / Devotional

Lord Your Mighty

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Mary Did You Know

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Mega Praise Medley

Commonly Used As A: Devotional

Nashville My God

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Now Behold the Lamb

Commonly Used As A: Selection

One More Time ( Glad to Be In The Service )

Commonly Used As A: Processional/Selection

Pass Me Not

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Sacrifice of Praise

Commonly Used As A: Offering/Devotional

Send Me I’ll Go (Cropped)

Commonly Used As A: Processional

Somebody Prayed For Me *

Commonly Used As A: Offering/Devotional


Commonly Used As A: Selection

Sunday Morning Medleys

Commonly Used As A: Selection

The Best In Me

Commonly Used As A: Usage Not Determined Yet

The Blood Will Never Lose It's Power

Commonly Used As A: Selection

Through It All, I Feel Like Going On

Commonly Used As A: Selection


Commonly Used As A: Selection

We Have Come Into the Lord's House to Worship Him

Commonly Used As A: Processional

Who's Side Are You Leaning On

Commonly Used As A: Offering/Devotional

YahWeh + Lord You're Mighty *

Commonly Used As A: Selection

You Deserve It

Commonly Used As A: Selection

You Know My Name

Commonly Used As A: Selection

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