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Me on Your Mind

Commonly Used As A: Processional

—Lead —
I've read the words in red
How You leave the 99
To find the one missing
Feels like that was written
With me on Your mind

And the prodigal son who ran,
leaving his home behind
The part where the father came running to meet him
Did You say that with me on Your mind

— Unison —
Who am I that the King of the world
Would give one single thought about my broken heart?
Who am I that the God of all grace
Wipes the tears from my face and says, "Come as you are"?
You paid the price,
You took the cross
You gave Your life
and You did it all

— Lead —
With me on Your mind (woah, oh, oh, oh)
Me on Your mind (woah, oh, oh, oh)
Me on your mind (woah, oh, oh, oh)
With me on your mind ( woah, oh, oh, oh )

Just knowing You're mindful of me
Just knowing You call me Your child
[It's flooding my soul with unspeakable hope]
Thank You, Lord, that it's me on Your mind

— Unison —
Who am I that the King of the world
Would give one single thought about my broken heart?
Who am I that the God of all grace
Wipes the tears from my face and says, "Come as you are"?
You paid the price,
You took the cross
You gave Your life
and You did it all

With me on Your mind (woah, oh, oh, oh)
There was me on Your mind (woah, oh, oh, oh)
Oh, oh (Hallelujah)
Thank You, Jesus (Hallelujah
It was me on Your mind)

I've read the words in red of a heavenly home on high
You're preparing a place where the sorrow's erased
And when I stand before You, I'll find
All along, it was me on Your mind

Who am I that the King of the world
Would give one single thought about my broken heart?
And who am I that the God of all grace
Wipes the tears from my face and says, "Come as you are"?
You paid the price
You took the cross
You gave Your life
You did it all

With me on Your mind (woah, oh, oh, oh)
Me on Your mind (woah, oh, oh, oh)
Me on your mind (woah, oh, oh, oh)
With me on your mind ( woah, oh, oh, oh )

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