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Through It All, I Feel Like Going On

Commonly Used As A: Selection

— Unison —
I feel like going on
I feel like going on
Say the storm may be raging
And the stars
May seem too high
I feel like going on

— Solo —
I've had
tears and sorrows,
questioned tomorrow,
At times Ididntknow the right from wrong.
But in
every situation,
with blessed
I feel like going on

— Unison —
I feel like going on
I feel like going on
Though tri-als come
on e-very hand
I feel like going on

Through it all,
through it all,
I've learned to trust in Jesus,
I've learned to trust in God.
Through it all,
through it all,
I've learned to depend upon His Word.

So I feel like going on
I feel like going on
Though the storm may be raging
And the billows toss high,
I feel like going on

I feel like going on
I feel like going on
Going through It All

I feel like going on
I feel like going on
Going through It All

— Slowing —
Though tri-als come
on e-very hand
I feel like going ooon

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