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You Can't Hurry God

Commonly Used As A: Selection

-- Lead x1 , Unison x2 --
You can't hurry God, No No No
You Just have to wait
You have to Trust and give Him time
No matter how long it takes
He's a God you can't hurry
He'll be there so you don't have to worry
He may not come when you want Him
But He's right on time
Right on time

-- Lead --
Job was sick so long
Until the flesh fell from his bones
His wife, cattle and children
Everything he had was gone
He said you put these afflictions upon me
Why don't you come on and see about me
He may not come when you want Him
Be He's right on time
Right on time

-- Unison --
You can't hurry God
You Just have to wait
Trust and give Him time
No matter how long it takes
He's a God you can't hurry
He'll be there so you don't have to worry
He may not come when you want Him
But He's right on time
Right on time

You can't hurry God
You can't hurry God
You can't hurry God
(Hold your peace) You can't hurry God
(Peace be still) You can't hurry God
(Hold on a little longer) You can't hurry God
(You can't) You can't hurry God

He may not come when you want Him
Be He's right on time
Right on time...

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